March 26, 2024

Supporting Okārito's Gorsebusters Week

Supporting Okārito's Gorsebusters Week

We do all we can to support positive projects for our planet, and for the third year, we supported the annual GorseBusters Week in Ōkārito. It is an incredible initiative led by the lovely folks at Ōkārito Kayaks. 

On its fourth year now, an impressive army of volunteers descend on the West Coast community to clear gorse around the beautiful Ōkārito Lagoon, with the important job of helping to regenerate the native flora and fauna around this magical spot. With the Main Divide and all her glorious mountains in the background, the lagoon is gaining health each year as the gorse is pulled away so she can flourish. 

By providing Yum for breakfast to fuel the volunteers and their long days, doing good. Through it, we've met an inspiring community that reminds us how every little bit can help the planet in incredible ways and that many hands really can make light work. 

For anyone interested in volunteering for this incredible, annual initiative, follow Ōkārito Kayaks on Facebook.