Yum helps feed Okarito Kayaks Gorsebuster Week

We get a lot of requests of people wanting Yum for events, sponsorships, contributions, and fundraisers and it is not easy deciding where to send it to as we only have so much! So, when one of our local, favourite granola whanau, Jon, came to us and told us about the Okarito Kayakas Gorsebusting week, we knew we had to support it. The theme of the week in March, is to ‘work together to keep our backyard beautiful’ and, ‘having fun doing it’. These sounded like our kind of whanau! Our Yum contribution would also directly be helping the planet and the native habitat in the beautiful spot of Okarito Lagoon on the South Westcoast.
A few days after donating Yum, Baz of Okarito Kayaks rang us to thank us in a big way. He also cheekily blamed us for being the first to contribute any food as there was a flood of great, food companies who followed with donations that they then had to organize. The Okarito community sounds like a special one who all come together in ways we appreciate. Their Gorsebusting week brings together volunteers who trampse (and kayak) around, removing invasive Gorse, so native flora and fauna can return. Their goal was a big one, to remove 65,000 plants of Gorse which is no easy feat! Here is a 1 minute video showing the busy bees and the beautiful area of Okarito.
Our hats are off to those who are proactive at caring for both our local communities and our planet. We really look forward to our next time down the Westcoast to visit Okarito and really encourage everyone to keep their eyes open for ways to help our planet like this. Thanks!